Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Farida Osman
Two Time Olympian &
Two Time Medalist at World Championships
Coach Sergio Lopez Miro in "The Moment In Time"
3rd Live Show Podcast
(April 28th, 2020)
Listen to Farida Osman chat with me along with two surprise guests, Coach Albert Subirats (that coaches her every day with Pinnacle Racing) and Marina Garcia Urzainqui who was Farida's roommate at Cal Berkeley and is one of her best friends. Marina is from Spain and she is also an Olympian.
Great chat about how she is dealing with the Covid-19 situation, how she is enjoying being home and the growth that she has had at different times of her career (moving from Egypt to Cal and then to become a professional athlete and moving to Blacksburg).
As one of Farida's coaches I could not be prouder of her and the way she keeps moving forward with her life and her swimming. I know she is changing sports for female athletes in Egypt and in other parts of the world and in the future she will be a key factor for the growth and development of swimming in Egypt.
Thanks Farida for your time today. We miss you and Nina here in Blacksburg. #Prokies @swimpinnacleracing
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Ryan Murphy Olympic Champion
Coach Sergio Lopez Miro
"The Moment In Time"
2nd Live Show Podcast
(April 24th, 2020)
So excited and thankful to Ryan for taking the time to chat with me about his process and just life in general. I feel it was a very insightful conversation.
I have had the privilege to know Ryan for over 12 years and really appreciate and cherish what he and the rest of that group at Bolles did for the team and for my personal growth.
Thank You Ryan!!!
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Joseph Schooling Olympic Champion
Coach Sergio Lopez Miro
"The Moment In Time"
1st Live Show Podcast
(April 24th, 2020)
Great raw conversation with a great swimmer but most important a better person, Joseph Schooling. This is the recording of the 1st Live Show that I have hosted in my podcast.
Great inside about his journey as a swimmer, person and son form and Olympic Champion and most important to me is the friendship that we have been able to create with a lots of ups and downs over the last 12 years.
Thank You Jojo!!!
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
#28 - 5th Virtual Coaches Talk - America (English) - Part 1 -
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
#27 - Quinta Charla Virtual Entrenadores - Part 2
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Actividades que hacer con el Equipo en tiempos de
por Marco Bellardi (Entrenador Jefe - Midtown Athletic Club, Weston(Florida), USA)
(24 de Abril, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Madrid)
- Preparación física donde sea agradable, efectiva y motivadora.
- Yoga
- Flexibilidad
- Coordinación
- Boxing
- Circuitos
- Protocolo de la Practica Vía ZOOM
- Inicio:
- Desarrollo
- Cierre
- Herramientas de organización de vida: Primeramente son Jóvenes con asignaciones y luego Son Nadadores. Establecer prioridades y cumplir efectivamente con ambos.
- Actividades de integración vía ZOOM y otros medios.
- Actividades para crear conciencia hacia la comunidad y crear Valores de Vida
- Hacer una Preparación Física con conciencia para evitar lesiones.
- Estructura de la clase vía ZOOM
- Aspectos a tomar en cuenta para atender a cada Nadador antes, Durante y Después del entrenamiento vía ZOOM
Semana #1 Abril 6-11 - Actividades:
Semana #2 Abril 13-18 - Actividades:
Gracias Marco y aquí esta su email si queréis preguntarle algo: coachmarcobellardiswim@gmail.com
Nos vemos la semana que viene!
Friday Apr 24, 2020
#26 - Quinta Charla Virtual Entrenadores - Part 1
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
La Patada de Braza Asimétrica y Como Mejorarla
por Tony Salas (Coordinador de L'Escola de Natació Esportiu Claret, Barcelona)
(24 de Abril, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Madrid)
Toni Salas empieza la charla hablando de la patada de braza asimétrica y de que le gustaría saber de otros entrenadores como lo hacen para corregirla. Un gran tema que creo una gran conversación entre los entrenadores no solo de la patada pero de varios componentes del estilo de braza.
No he podido colgar el video de la braza pero aquí tenéis el email de Toni que creo que no tendrá ningún problema en mandaros el video. Email Tony Salas: inouteye@gmail.com
PDF de la patada asimétrica por Toni Salas
Gracias a todos por participar y escucha la segunda parte de esta charla que es muy interesante.
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
#25 - 4th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Part 3
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
How do you implement kicking into your program?
Briefly talk about last part of the Breaststroke Kick
(April 22, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Singapore Time)
This is the third part of the 4th Virtual Coaches Talk and we shared about how important is kicking in our program and how much we do of it. Also I give a brief explanation of what i think is very important to be able to have a good and efficient breaststroke kick.
Thank you all for participating and making this a weekly meeting during this interesting times we are going through with the Covid-19.
Stay well Stay Safe!
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
#24 - 4th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Part 2
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Importance of dry land and weights in your program. What are your expectations from the weight coach, what you ask of him/her? - Part 2
(April 22, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Singapore Time)
This is the second part of Episode #23.
Also here link to a video of how you can use the 4DPro to practice pull strokes outside of the water while suspended: Suspended Strokes using 4Dpro
Also a link to show some good breaststroke pull using stretch-cords in land. As you can see in the video if executed well and at a slow motion the swimmer can practice a very even stroke: Symmetric Breaststroke Pull using land Strech-cordz
Listen to the next episode (#25) for the end of this two hour talk.
Thank you to everyone that participated and for attending the talks #COACHINGISSHARING
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
#23 - 4th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Part 1
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Importance of dry land and weights in your program. What are your expectations from the weight coach, what you ask of him/her?
(April 22, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Singapore Time)
Today we talked about how we run our dryland and weight programs. Do we planned them ourselves? Do we have a strength & conditioning coach? How do we plan with them? What are are thoughts about the work we do with our swimmers. Great Chat!
Listen to the following two episodes (#24 & #25) for the continuation of this two hour talk!
Thank you to everyone that participated and for attending the talks #COACHINGISSHARING